BASFOLIAR AKTIV SL 03-27-18 (+TE) 10lt

Code: BAS-FO-AS10
£85.52 +VAT

124 In Stock

Code: BAS-FO-AS10
Availability: 124 In Stock
£85.52 +VAT
Price Per 10lt
Sold Per 10lt

Beside potassium and the complete range of micro nutrients this fertilizer product contains little nitrogen and phosphorous in the form of phosphoric acid. As a promoter of root growth and a quality enhancer it also contains natural algae extract derived from Ecklonia maxima (Auxins 1.1 mg and Cytocenins 0.003 mg). The product can be applied either via foliar spraying, irrigation or direct application to the soil. - Phosphites are best for mature plants rather than young plants. - Phosphites move through the plant into the root system in the same way as Fosetyl-Aluminium. - P deficient mature plants may respond to foliar phosphite applications as it is easily absorbed into plant tissues. N - 3% P - 27% K - 18% + TE Drench @ 0.1-0.5% concentration [1-5ml per 1lt] Foliar @ 3lt/ha [min] Fertigation @5lt/ha 10-14day min interval