What are Beneficial Nematodes?

Tuesday 6th October 2020

Beneficial Nematodes are small parasitic worms sometimes known as roundworms that can be used to control pests in horticulture. Specific Nematode species can parasitise various pests, species selection is specific to include widely endemic species and to avoid eelworms (plant pathogenic Nematodes).

How do you apply Beneficial Nematodes?

The correct species of Nematode, applied accurately with good timing can achieve extremely high levels of pest control, up to 97%. Higher levels than would be achievable with most chemical alternatives. Some key points to remember in commercial application:

  • Keep Nematodes cool at around 6°C before use, at these temperatures most Nematodes will store up to 10 weeks after production.
  • When mixing with water lightly rinse off the packet Nematodes have been transported in as they have a tendency to stick to the sides.
  • Mix in water at ambient temperature, suddenly plunging the Nematodes into very warm or cold water will shock them.
  • Keep the solution well agitated while in use otherwise Nematodes will settle to the bottom.
  • Remove any fine filtration in your water system otherwise this will filter out the Nematodes.
  • DO NOT run the Nematodes through a pump, the impeller will damage them and make the application unviable.
  • DO NOT apply at a pressure above 5 bar, again Nematodes will be damaged and unviable.

How do you decide which Nematode to apply?

Speak to your agronomist about Nematode selection, Dejex Agronomy Services can offer specific advice for the correct application of Nematodes with our NemaTrident System in commercial Horticulture based on:

  • The pest to be controlled; Thrips, Sciarid Fly, Vine Weevil Larvae and many other pests can be controlled by Nematodes.
  • The temperature; different Nematodes can operate at different temperatures, Nematodes operating at warm temperatures are often more aggressive but some species, such as Heterorhabditis downsei can operate as low as 6.6°C.
  • The growing system; something often not considered by most is that different species of Nematodes operate in different soil profiles, some are deep cruisers while other surface dwelling. This can make a big difference depending on the depth of substrate being grown in.

Why use Nematodes?

In summary Nematodes are an extremely effective biological control, when the correct advice is taken and accurate application carried out, they can outperform most chemical options.